Thursday, October 23, 2008


With Election Day coming up, the decision on electing the new president is getting in peoples heads. Some are still unsure on who they will be voting for. This 2008 election seems to be one of the most important elections in history, due to the fact that the United States is not in a good economic and environmental situation. Three of the most important subjects of this election are: the economy, the war in Iraq, and energy. Both candidates have different forms of solutions or plans for each of these problems.
The United States is in debt by so many billions. People are not able to pay for loans due to the high expenses on living. McCain’s approach would to lower the government and business taxes. There for giving businesses the opportunity to hire more people so they would make money. Obama plans on lower the tax rates so we would not have to pay so much, so people would buy more from businesses, so they could make money.
The issue on the Iraq war is difficult. Obama want to pull troops out as soon as possible
because having them out there is unsafe and also it is costing the u.s. billions of dollars. McCain’s plan on keeping troops there till Iraq’s government is strong enough to defend its self.
Both candidates believe in renewable resources. As for the situation on gas they have to different ideas. Obama want to uses alternative source of gas. He believes drilling will only temporarily solve the situation. McCain want to start drilling for oil as soon as possible.
Who know what approach either candidates take but its up to you to speak up and vote for who you think would be able to run the future of the United states.


+Ms. King+ said...

The article is interesting and I think almost everyone is excited to find out who our next President is going to be. What are your opinions on the war in Iraq?

Harlinda♥ said...

OBAMA!! haha..
So when we ganna go mask
shopping and for all our stuff we need. Lol.
We can attack taylor first!!!

Kevin Tso said...

Great Summary
Enjoyed Reading!
Keep it up

M3 said...

interesting never knew that the white guy was wanting to drill so i say go Obama and yea!bringthe troops home

brent #20 said...

good job mt friend doing your work for once keep it up pretty interesting