Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fly High

You can make piloting a fun experience and skill but you can also turn it into a career. Used this skill to make something of your future. Pilots are used to transport cargo and packages when ever they are needed. They can also fight fires and be used on rescue missions. To become a pilot you need training and experience.
Captain Gary Robinson inspired a young boy named Barrington Irving to become a pilot. He let the young boy visit him on his base and let him help out around the base so he could get a feel on what they do there. Barrington wanted to go to flight school so he cleaned the planes to make money to pay for his classes and he would also do it to get free lessons. Now he is a successful pilot earning his pilot licenses as a Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot, and a Flight Constructor. He is now expiring younger adults and children to become pilots. He put together an organization which provides flight experiences to potential pilots.
Captain Heather Ross has a unique piloting job. She tests the planes before they are used to transport cargo and people. She gets to fly many types of planes unlike regular pilots who fly just one type of plane.


[JrB] WiCkEd^ said...

good job on your summary!!

Speggy said...

WOW!! NO WAY!! A-W-E-S-O-M-E..summary!!

Melanie said...

i like this summary.. it talks bout learning to be a pilot and having to have the experience you need to be a pilot.. but i liked it..keep it up!!!=D